Not ‘Feeling It’? Trusting God Beyond the Roller Coaster of Faith

2 Corinthians 4:4-6:
“The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’s sake. For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”

TL;DR: Faith isn’t always about “feeling it.” When emotions falter, keep trusting in God’s word and His promises. Stay rooted in Scripture and focus on aligning your desires with His will to find lasting peace and purpose.

Do you ever find yourself not “feeling it” when it comes to your faith? A friend of mine recently shared that he’s tried different churches and spiritual paths, but none of it resonates with him. He says he’s spiritual but not religious because he simply doesn’t “feel it.”

Honestly, I can relate. There are times when I don’t feel it either, but that’s when I remind myself that faith isn’t based on feelings—it’s about trusting God and His promises, even when my emotions say otherwise.

When I struggle, I often pray a simple but powerful prayer: “Father, I believe; help me with my unbelief.” My faith journey has been a roller coaster ride of ups and downs, but the anchor that keeps me grounded is God’s word.

To stay focused on Him, I need to be actively reading the Bible and meditating on its truths. When I don’t, it’s easy for the “god of this age”—things like fitness, relationships, worry, control, or even adventure—to take priority in my life. These distractions pull me away from seeking God first.

Today, I encourage you to examine your deepest desires. Are they aligned with God’s will for your life? If not, it’s likely you’ll find yourself on that same roller coaster ride of fleeting emotions and spiritual unrest. But when we surrender our desires to God and focus on Him, His light shines in the darkness, guiding us back to the narrow road of faith and purpose.

Let His light illuminate your heart and trust that His word will sustain you, even when you don’t “feel it.”

#FaithBeyondFeelings #TrustGodsWord #LightInTheDarkness #2Corinthians4 #ChristianLiving #FaithJourney #GodsWillNotMine #StayRootedInScripture

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